Wednesday, February 25, 2009

hi im fat!
i gained like a bazillion pound.
thats what i get for eating too much of those korean crackers...and those seaweed wrapped rice crackers. and all those wonderful yummy delicious snacks.


I made myself a grilled cheese sandwhich today too. YUMMY.
omggggg yumms.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

I made myself some fried rice today AND I'm drinking Milk Tea. I FEEL SO FULL AND MY TUMMY IS LARGE TO THE MAX.

i totally regret it again. i ate too much. I want to sleep, but I can't because my tummy is so large i would feel uncomfortable.

Today I had my microbiology lab practical. It was the best ever.
We had to stain 7 bacteria's total.
Everyone ended up with purple hands or green hands at the end of lab from the Malachite Green and the Crystal Violet that we used. It was awesome.

Yesterday I ate sushi with Natalie and Annie at Osaka's. Then after that, we went to the CO-OP so Annie could get some Pancake Mix. We like the CO-OP! It sells organic things.

This was the big green chair outside of the CO-OP. I know, we don't look like 3rd years in college. We look like little 14 year olds.

We decided to buy matching pins.
It says "Maybe I want to Look Cheap."
hahahahahahaha. We couldn't stop laughing when we decided to get these pins. After our fun adventure, we went to the library to study because are the best students everrrsss =)

Also, my nephew is the cutest baby ever!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I love asian snacks.
I went to Kim's Mart yesterday to purchase some. Kim's Mart is a korean supermarket in downtown Davis. Everytime I go inside, I feel so happy because there's a variety of Asian snacks!
I brought some of it to work and I ate too much of it. Now I feel extremely full and sleepy. I feel like I can't move. I regret eating so much. I ate those rice crackers wrapped in seaweed. Those are delicioussss.

I also bought these other crackers that are SO good. omg. <3
I don't know how to describe the taste, but damn they're so good! I want more. I almost ate all of it. I'll probably buy some this Friday before I head home. hehe.

oh yeh, it's raining and windy today = worst combinations
I have a fobby bright pink umbrella with flowers all over it. I don't think it's meant for the rain but for Asians to block the sunlight in Asia. (so they don't become dark) I can't read the description, it's in chinese. hahaha.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Here are some pictures of truffles :)

Isn't he the cutest ever? All he does is lay down and sleep like a little baby. Also, he's been having really bad diarhea with blood in it! I called the vet because I was really concern, but they said, he is probably feeling lethargic from the vaccinations. I had to get him two more shots because I wasn't sure if he got his Rabies shot and this one other shot. They said if it doesn't get better by tomorrow, then I have to call them again.

I can't wait until he's healed. I'm going to take him out for walks. Also, Me&Natalie are planning to take our doggies to the dog park so they can play together! Yay.

I just feel sad for him when I'm at school. I know he's sad and feels neglected. =(
I love him with all my heart<3

Anyways, while I was driving home today. I notice something really stupid. Probably the stupidest person driving. So it was dark and raining, and there was this BLACK car and they didn't even have their lights turned on. How stupid can that person be! It's an obvious GIVEN that you're suppose to have your lights on in the DARK. It got me so irritated. To make matters worst, it was RAINING! It was pouring, and you know how on freeways all you can see are the splashes from the rain. That person was driving in the dark with no lights, lots of cars on the freeway, and it was raining. That's so dangerous and hazardous. I swear, I couldn't even see it until I was driving close to it realizing, oh there's a car in front of me? I hope that person crash and burn to death!!!!!!! Just kidding (knocks on wood). Hehe. No hatred, but that really makes me mad when someone is so stupid. I was just driving thinking to myself, what a fucking idiot. They could have cause a whole collision!

anyways. i love truffles & nobody elseeeeeeee =)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Here I am waiting for my hair to dry again. Sigh, I'm going to regret it when I wake up in the morning. Wishing I slept more. Today I got truffles neutered. He's so cute. He has a cone on his head. I'll take a picture of it later. I like how he's mellow and just sleeps. He looks like he's in a great deal of pain though. Poor little guy. <3

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I am finally getting Truffles neutered. He's been so bad lately! He's been disobedient and misbehaving. He usually holds in his pee well and pee's on the pee pad, but lately, he just keeps peeing everywhere on that carpet. I bought a new carpet, and he STILL pee's on it! He's missing his pad when he poops. omg, he's just been so horrible. I feel like he's doing it on purpose because he wants my attention. I talk to one of the staff members that works with me, and she told me that since he's about One now, he's claiming his manhood. She gave me advice on how I should neuter him and take him out for short walks everyday. Since he's starting to grow up, he wants to claim his territory that's why he's been misbehaving! She also said neutering him will calm him down, he'll be more obedient and less active. He's so horrible lately. I couldn't find the time to walk Truffles anymore because of my school schedule, but I think it's worth it now. He needs some attention and needs to interact with other dogs. Well I made an appointment at the Veternarian Center in South Davis and he should be getting neutered tomorrow. Damn Truffles, he's like my super expensive child that I can't afford. hahaha. It's so hard being a parent. =(

Monday, February 9, 2009


i can't keep up my happiness. bad luck loves me so much.

fuck my lifeeee!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

I totally agree with Vilinh's blog about stupid drivers. Seriously! I feel as if there's so many of them now! ugh. They make me so mad too! This freaking car cut in front of me on the freeway and I had to step on my brakes. Then I gave her the middle finger when I passed by. But uh..I came to realize it was a black lady, and I was thinking, oh no I'm going to get beat up. But then she just looked at me and took the next exit. Phew. Good thing it was the freeway or else she might have followed me home. But its okay, if she wanted to follow me home, it wouldn't be for another 50 miles. hahaha. HER fault anyways! People are retarded now. Everyone is being an asshole on the freeway!

Yes same goes for on campus. So if you guys don't know, I go to Davis and Davis campus happens to be the campus of bicycles everywhere. We even have stop signs for bikes, street lights for bikes at this one street. Davis is like the hometown of bike riders. I hate them! They are so evil and they have no mercy. When I get out of class, I can't even cross to the other side of the building because there's SOOOO many bikes. Like a million them, just racing at full speed with no mercy. They are so evil. I hate them. They don't even stop, but they just speed and sometimes I just want to throw a big rock in the middle of street. Or carry a bunch of twigs and throw it at them so they can all run into each other. They piss me off! They're so stupid, its like I'm walking and then one just passes by me so fast about to hit me. It happens ALL the time! One time a stupid bike guy told me to get out the way. I told him to shut up. I should have thrown a stick on the floor so he can flip over and fall. I HATE bikers in Davis with a passion. Sometimes they act like they're cars. While I'm driving they would just go in front of my car, I'm like Get the fuck out of the way! Before I graduate, the one thing I must do is throw lots of twigs on the floor. hehehhee.

Anyways, enough of the "vehicle" talk. I had a great weekend. I got super wasted and had lots of fun. My sister came up to visit from SD and it was cool. I also got to see my girlfriends again. I had "Family-time" with my sisters. My nephew Remy is the cutest baby in the whole entire universe. It was so funny, he farted REALLY loud. I thought it was Tommy, but it was Remy! It sound like a "man-fart" like a grown up person. It was so funny. He's so cute.

Also, I watched the movie Push. It was a cool movie. haha. For some reason, Chris Evans looked extremely hot in that movie. hehehe. he's super sexxayy ;)

Friday, February 6, 2009

I am at work right now. I am starving to death! My tummy keeps growling. Around 3pm I'm suppose to eat with my lil sis. Yay. I love eating with her. But the bad thing is that, around 3pm, all the good restaurants like korean food, sushi, thai food, have that stupid closing hour! Ugh. I can't wait to eat though. How will I manage to survive 3.5 more hours of work! I'm uber excited. Me and Vilinh are the worst people to talk about whenever it comes to "buying" something. She's so freaking funny. We were talking about wanting a netbook and a laptop, we decided we want both. Then a couple hours later, I see her away msg "at bestbuy." hahahahaha. She's so funny! But that's okay, it's only because we influenced each other on our decisions. I can't wait to get my macbook. Macbooks are the cutest laptops in the whole entire universe. Well I think so, if you don't agree with me, then I don't care! I won't be able to get my Macbook until later though. So I have to deal with my horrible laptop for now. It's okay, I will be satisfied in no time!

This is random, but, when I first took care of Truffles, I use to leave him in the kitchen before I went to school. One time, I came home, and he was in the garbage can. I really don't know why. He was just sitting in there, crying. I thought my sister put him in there, but I ask her and she didn't. I think he jumped inside there? He was sitting there, looking all cozy, and crying at the same time. How emo is that? When I think about it, it was a really funny sight. Truffles is so clumsy. He's just like his owner. Like mother, like baby! Whenever I bring him home to my parents house, he runs everywhere and we have hardwood floor. So then he's too excited and trips because the floor is too slippery. He's retarded. ok byebye!

im still hungry.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Microbiology Lab Today

I'm super sleepy right now. I knew I should have slept earlier. Last night I slept at 3am! I had class in 5 hours! I slept at 3am because I wanted to "air-dry" my hair before I slept. I was also chatting happily online about god knows what?

So I had Microbiology lab today. We had to "stain" this bacteria called Azomonas and look at it under the microscope. Ugh! While I was getting some of the bacteria onto my sterilzed loop, a whiff of those bacterias flew up my nose! It was so stinky! omgomg. gaggssss. It was nasty! Also, we had to "streak" this bacteria called Staphyloccus which are the "skins" of people, but that wasn't the nastiest one, the nasiest ones were the Enteric Bacterias! If you guys don't know what that is, it's the bacteria's from people's RECTUM. Digusting! A couple of years ago for my micro lab, they use to make the lab students use their own rectum bacterias. I'm SO glad they changed it. That's pretty gross. I worked with more bacteria's. but those ones were the nastiest of all.

Tonight I shall sleep at least by 11. I've been sleeping too late and waking up too early. It's causing me to have pimples on my forehead. Also today, for some reason in lab, my TA always appeared behind me & I accidently kept stepping on her foot. ahahaha. oops?

Microbiology labs are always so funny. Me & Kristin are hilarious. I'm so clumsy. Last week during lab, I was holding the bottoms to the Pipettes. And they somehow managed to all slip out of my hands. And they ALL fell! i felt bad, because since they touched the floor, they are considered contaminated so we had to throw them all away. Then while I was pouring the solution of E-coli into the nutrient agar, my lab partner was too excited while swirling it around and it spilled on her hands! eewww. we were like omgg go wash her hands!!! hurrrryyyy. ah. me&kristin are too funny. I think I'm an embarassment.
i'm suppose to get my car's smashed window fixed. because lately, since my car window isn't fixed, it's wide open. i've been driving it around in the cold. People probably think I'm some maniac that think I'm cool because my window is rolled down in the cold. BUT yes, it's suppose to rain thursday and friday, i really hope it doesnt. If it does, I have to drive with my window open in the rain going home! I'd look freaking retarded. With the window's down, rain flying inside, splashing my face while I'm driving. Making my hair all wet. Smearing my makeup. That's very attractive.

Also, the other day i got pulled over. but the cop let me go. what a little sweetie pie. He probably looked up my records for this badluck car and saw all the horrors that happened to it and felt sorry for me. What a nice young feller. ^_^