Sunday, February 8, 2009

I totally agree with Vilinh's blog about stupid drivers. Seriously! I feel as if there's so many of them now! ugh. They make me so mad too! This freaking car cut in front of me on the freeway and I had to step on my brakes. Then I gave her the middle finger when I passed by. But uh..I came to realize it was a black lady, and I was thinking, oh no I'm going to get beat up. But then she just looked at me and took the next exit. Phew. Good thing it was the freeway or else she might have followed me home. But its okay, if she wanted to follow me home, it wouldn't be for another 50 miles. hahaha. HER fault anyways! People are retarded now. Everyone is being an asshole on the freeway!

Yes same goes for on campus. So if you guys don't know, I go to Davis and Davis campus happens to be the campus of bicycles everywhere. We even have stop signs for bikes, street lights for bikes at this one street. Davis is like the hometown of bike riders. I hate them! They are so evil and they have no mercy. When I get out of class, I can't even cross to the other side of the building because there's SOOOO many bikes. Like a million them, just racing at full speed with no mercy. They are so evil. I hate them. They don't even stop, but they just speed and sometimes I just want to throw a big rock in the middle of street. Or carry a bunch of twigs and throw it at them so they can all run into each other. They piss me off! They're so stupid, its like I'm walking and then one just passes by me so fast about to hit me. It happens ALL the time! One time a stupid bike guy told me to get out the way. I told him to shut up. I should have thrown a stick on the floor so he can flip over and fall. I HATE bikers in Davis with a passion. Sometimes they act like they're cars. While I'm driving they would just go in front of my car, I'm like Get the fuck out of the way! Before I graduate, the one thing I must do is throw lots of twigs on the floor. hehehhee.

Anyways, enough of the "vehicle" talk. I had a great weekend. I got super wasted and had lots of fun. My sister came up to visit from SD and it was cool. I also got to see my girlfriends again. I had "Family-time" with my sisters. My nephew Remy is the cutest baby in the whole entire universe. It was so funny, he farted REALLY loud. I thought it was Tommy, but it was Remy! It sound like a "man-fart" like a grown up person. It was so funny. He's so cute.

Also, I watched the movie Push. It was a cool movie. haha. For some reason, Chris Evans looked extremely hot in that movie. hehehe. he's super sexxayy ;)

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