Thursday, February 5, 2009

Microbiology Lab Today

I'm super sleepy right now. I knew I should have slept earlier. Last night I slept at 3am! I had class in 5 hours! I slept at 3am because I wanted to "air-dry" my hair before I slept. I was also chatting happily online about god knows what?

So I had Microbiology lab today. We had to "stain" this bacteria called Azomonas and look at it under the microscope. Ugh! While I was getting some of the bacteria onto my sterilzed loop, a whiff of those bacterias flew up my nose! It was so stinky! omgomg. gaggssss. It was nasty! Also, we had to "streak" this bacteria called Staphyloccus which are the "skins" of people, but that wasn't the nastiest one, the nasiest ones were the Enteric Bacterias! If you guys don't know what that is, it's the bacteria's from people's RECTUM. Digusting! A couple of years ago for my micro lab, they use to make the lab students use their own rectum bacterias. I'm SO glad they changed it. That's pretty gross. I worked with more bacteria's. but those ones were the nastiest of all.

Tonight I shall sleep at least by 11. I've been sleeping too late and waking up too early. It's causing me to have pimples on my forehead. Also today, for some reason in lab, my TA always appeared behind me & I accidently kept stepping on her foot. ahahaha. oops?

Microbiology labs are always so funny. Me & Kristin are hilarious. I'm so clumsy. Last week during lab, I was holding the bottoms to the Pipettes. And they somehow managed to all slip out of my hands. And they ALL fell! i felt bad, because since they touched the floor, they are considered contaminated so we had to throw them all away. Then while I was pouring the solution of E-coli into the nutrient agar, my lab partner was too excited while swirling it around and it spilled on her hands! eewww. we were like omgg go wash her hands!!! hurrrryyyy. ah. me&kristin are too funny. I think I'm an embarassment.

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