Wednesday, May 28, 2008

dead. insensible. deceased. departed. extinct. confine. limit. completed. finish. termination.

the last part.
to go far exceeding extremities.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

My New Job

I am a Student Assistant at the Department of Environmental Toxicology.
I am happy. Yay. The great part of this job is that the building is also the department of my major! =)

my life is getting better :)

My Weekend

I had a good weekend. I did so many things. Even though I was pretty unproductive but I managed to squeeze in my paper and my pre-lab before it was due. Which was Monday.

I think all the pieces of things in my life are starting to connect. I feel happier and less stressed. I realized I really am happy for the people in my life.

So on Friday, I spend time with Vu and we talked about a few complications that we've been going through. It worked out, and the complications became simple. I think? lol.

Saturday, I hanged out with my girlfriends. Everytime I hang out with them, I get this good feeling inside. It just makes me think what great friends I have! I'm lucky to have them. We've been friends since we were like what, 4-5 years old? We go way back in the days. I know this sounds gay but then it really IS friends forever. <3 We've had our ups & down, but now we've all grown up! I notice, it's always them I am running back to in my life. These are the friends I will for sure see at my wedding. This picture is missing Tiffany & Christina.


Sunday, even though I didn't fall asleep until like 6:30am, I woke up bright & early so I can go to beach with my girlfriends! Beach was fun, I wanted to tan, but I got a little darker. I know I am already somewhat dark, I just want a tan body. Because my face is dark compared to my body. lol. I know, so ugly. I LOVE MY FRIENDS. <3

Thursday, May 15, 2008


im done with my midterms. i've never felt so tired and overwhelmed! It feels good to be done, but then there's always those assignments that keeps coming. That's okay though. I guess it's just the way my life will be forever. Gosh i am so hungry right now. And i should do my math hw but i'm so lazy. It's hot today but I kind of like it. lol. I want my arms to get darker. Actually I want a nice tan body. Tan legs = sexy. I realized I haven't eaten sushi for a long time. I am so sad. Schools almost over. Isn't that great! Then it's going to be my third year of college. Wow I'm getting old. It's okay, i can't wait to graduate. :]]

I want to go to the beach. I want to do so many things. Sigh. I just can't seem to find the time for it. There's always this and that in the way.

im so stupid. I had lab today at 7:30am. I set my alarm to wake up at 6:20. But then I set it to 6:20pm! Thank goodness I woke up at 7 because sometimes I think to myself, why am I sleeping for so long? Then I saw the time and i was like omg! I got up and got ready so fast. I end up only being 8 minutes to lab anyways. Lab was funny today. We did this predation thing. We had little mosquito larvae and they were in the water. If you know what they look like, they don't even look mosquitoes, it looked like a little worms. It actually looked cute. hehehe. Anyways, there was this water bug, and I thought it was going to be a little small water bug that swims around. But when I saw it, it was huge! it's like 2 inches long. For a WATER BUG! "bug" It's so damn big to be one. lol. It's also fat too. ewww. with legs. gross.

blahhhh. im so hungry.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Dear Smokers,

I notice that a lot of people smoke nowadays. There's very few people who don't smoke. It seems to be the cool thing now eh? Everyone that I know either smoked already, or picked up that bad habit. I wish they could find another way to project their sorrows, instead of on a cigarette. If your life sucks, so what. It's life. Sometimes I think to myself, maybe I should smoke too, but in the end, I concluded that I don't want to be like everybody else. And for that reason, I am glad I am one of the few people who don't smoke.

And I know, that they know, it's bad for them,
but facts doesn't matter when it comes to smoking.
so I hope smokers smoke until their gums get black,
and until they get lung cancer,
and perhaps cause their own death,
and until then,
they may possibly never learn.

i don't care if i offend smokers,
offend me.
go away.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Late Night


This weekend has been overwhelming with millions of things to do. That's okay I managed to managed my time well. I think I am learning. For some reason, lately I can't think of anything write in my blog. Although I wanted to keep constant updates, but nothings been on my mind lately. I have nobody to chat to right now. Lately I haven't been doing anything but going to the library with Tammy. I like Tammy. I am really glad she is my room mate. I realize, me and her do the weirdest things. We go everywhere together and write on each other's facebook wall even though we see each other all the time! I'm just going to write about what I did for the pass couple of days.

So on Thursday me and Tammy went to the library at 6:15-9pm. On the way to the library, we took lots of picture since people have the misconception that we "party" too much. We took pictures of us studying. Like seriously, who takes pictures at the library? Who actually tries to look cute while studying? People take pictures at parties because that's when they are dressed up and ready to have fun! DUH. So this time, me and Tammy took pictures of us studying. hehehe. And then the "you know who's" pass by us while we were studying. HAHAHA. sigh I wish I can demonstrate the hand motions to display how hot they were. LOL. Anyways when we went home. We played with truffles. Then we went to the Old Teahouse and bought some pearl drinks. We also got hungry and bought food there. We found a bench far away from the old teahouse and sat there and ate. I ate so messy. oh wellsssss. =) Then we went back to the library! Studied till 12am. Then after the after, the 24! Studied at the 24 until 1:15am. Gosh we are the studious of the STUDIOUS For sure. Then friday Tammy left me to go back home. And then I now I am all alone in my apartment with Truffles. =(

Anyways. I've been in a good mood lately I think? My mood fluctuates a lot. I sometimes feel sad really fast, then sometimes I feel extremely happy. I'm weird.

Sunday, May 4, 2008


ok, Truc said something funny the other day that I forgot to mention. Out of all the animals she chooses, she chooses a lizard. hehehe. "_____ _____ like a lizard." hehehhee. It was sooo funny. We had the best laughter out of that! It was so random and funny!!!!! I know it doesn't sound funny here, but it was so funny in real life.

ok I notice all of my post lately have been about my sister. I will try to write about something else. I will rant about something else.

Yesterday me, vu, alex, roy, sylvia, hung, radiant, and michael went to Palo Alto to go to American Apparel. Passing by all the houses in Palo Alto, they were so big. Everytime I see a big house, I want to go inside. They looked like mini-castles. After American Apparel, we went to Taxi's to eat. We took a bunch of pictures.

Sylvia, Me and Shaun.
Shaun wanted the drink in the picture
There's more pictures but then I forgot Vu's flicker thing. This is from my camera.

I guess thats all for now, update laterssss

Friday, May 2, 2008

No Apology

I think it's pretty stupid how everyone expects that I should work things out with my sister. When honestly, all I did was stand up to her and its such a "crime." How can I possibly work things out with her when I'm not the ONLY one who she makes feel this way. She has a bad personality. She makes everyone feel uncomfortable. I know nobody understands this, but really, how can you live with someone if they are so uptight about everything. Our apartment in Davis doesn't give a warm nice feeling. It gives us a cold, bad, uncomfortable feeling because of her. It's not even us, how can we ALL feel that way? Housemates and I, we've never even DONE anything to my sister. She has fucking personal problems. She's seriously such a bitch. I would ask her a question, she answers me back in an attitude tone. I know the difference between attitude and "friendly." She's an asshole. She bitches and complains and makes EVERYONE feel uncomfortable. She's angry and takes her anger on everyone. She tosses people's shoes around if it's in an "unfavorable" spot where SHE wants to put her shoes. How fucking rude is that? How can it be fair if she gets to talk on the phone at night time while somebody is sleeping? Because whenever somebody calls us, we go outside to talk. She's so disrespectful to our things. I will never apologize to her because she doesn't deserve an apology. I seriously have done nothing to her. She's always fucking mad for no fucking reason. It's so annoying too.

She sets up this barrier like she doesn't want to be bothered. When we wait for the bus to go to school, usually roomates walk together and talk, but she stays far distance. When we go on the bus, she chooses a seat and doesn't want to sit next to you. So tell me, who's the one making it difficult? It's her, she's uptight. All I do is stand up to her and all of sudden it's ME that needs to work things out with her? She doesn't get anything, a person can be straight up with her and she STILL wouldn't get it. She doesn't even treat me like a big sister. Big sisters care for their little sisters. If it's anything, I think she's immature for even acting like that. Even if she doesn't like "Davis," she shouldn't be treating us or ANYONE in that way. I would never apologize to her or be the first one to talk to her. I don't care, she's not my sister to me. She's nothing unless she gets her act together and become mature about things.