Monday, May 12, 2008

Dear Smokers,

I notice that a lot of people smoke nowadays. There's very few people who don't smoke. It seems to be the cool thing now eh? Everyone that I know either smoked already, or picked up that bad habit. I wish they could find another way to project their sorrows, instead of on a cigarette. If your life sucks, so what. It's life. Sometimes I think to myself, maybe I should smoke too, but in the end, I concluded that I don't want to be like everybody else. And for that reason, I am glad I am one of the few people who don't smoke.

And I know, that they know, it's bad for them,
but facts doesn't matter when it comes to smoking.
so I hope smokers smoke until their gums get black,
and until they get lung cancer,
and perhaps cause their own death,
and until then,
they may possibly never learn.

i don't care if i offend smokers,
offend me.
go away.

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