Friday, May 2, 2008

No Apology

I think it's pretty stupid how everyone expects that I should work things out with my sister. When honestly, all I did was stand up to her and its such a "crime." How can I possibly work things out with her when I'm not the ONLY one who she makes feel this way. She has a bad personality. She makes everyone feel uncomfortable. I know nobody understands this, but really, how can you live with someone if they are so uptight about everything. Our apartment in Davis doesn't give a warm nice feeling. It gives us a cold, bad, uncomfortable feeling because of her. It's not even us, how can we ALL feel that way? Housemates and I, we've never even DONE anything to my sister. She has fucking personal problems. She's seriously such a bitch. I would ask her a question, she answers me back in an attitude tone. I know the difference between attitude and "friendly." She's an asshole. She bitches and complains and makes EVERYONE feel uncomfortable. She's angry and takes her anger on everyone. She tosses people's shoes around if it's in an "unfavorable" spot where SHE wants to put her shoes. How fucking rude is that? How can it be fair if she gets to talk on the phone at night time while somebody is sleeping? Because whenever somebody calls us, we go outside to talk. She's so disrespectful to our things. I will never apologize to her because she doesn't deserve an apology. I seriously have done nothing to her. She's always fucking mad for no fucking reason. It's so annoying too.

She sets up this barrier like she doesn't want to be bothered. When we wait for the bus to go to school, usually roomates walk together and talk, but she stays far distance. When we go on the bus, she chooses a seat and doesn't want to sit next to you. So tell me, who's the one making it difficult? It's her, she's uptight. All I do is stand up to her and all of sudden it's ME that needs to work things out with her? She doesn't get anything, a person can be straight up with her and she STILL wouldn't get it. She doesn't even treat me like a big sister. Big sisters care for their little sisters. If it's anything, I think she's immature for even acting like that. Even if she doesn't like "Davis," she shouldn't be treating us or ANYONE in that way. I would never apologize to her or be the first one to talk to her. I don't care, she's not my sister to me. She's nothing unless she gets her act together and become mature about things.

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