Saturday, January 31, 2009

Something to Look Forward to:

my car = the ultimate worst badluck car of the year

hahahahahahhahahaha. My car events doesn't even make me sad, they make me laugh.

Valuable lesson # 1: never ever put valuables in your car ever

I think I'd know that from the first time the bad event occurred.
The 2nd time? the Mr. Stealer didn't find shit! Next time I will leave a note for Mr. Stealer.

I wonder what will happen to my car next?
anyhoos, who cares about my "killer" car.
I just feel sad for my parents, having to deal with the car expenses. I am the child of mayhem for them. I swear, I'm the most expensive horrible bad luck child out of all my siblings.

On the brighter note, I CAN'T WAIT TILL SUMMER. I'm looking forward to an ultimate break-through of a wonderful event that will start at the end of June. I will announce my special event when the date approaches near. Then I will have to say bye bye to my amigos<3

I am super extremely excited.
I have a series of things to look forward to that I will keep to myself for now. Plans never follow through, but so far my plan is working =)

I can't wait till summer comes!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Carpe diem babyyyyy =)

slept at 3:30am woke up @ 7am.
i slept with a smile on my face. Woke up with a smile. Left the apartment at 7:30am. Gave truffles a pat on the way to school and squeezed him tight before I left. And now I am at work. =)

okay this may seem like the symptom of falling in love, but in case some of you guys didn't know, I just got out of love about 4 weeks ago! Surprise at my enthusiam? hehe. YOU SHOULD BE!

<3 i love everyone!
(well not really everyone)
yay =)

New Aspirations.

You know what, lately I've been pretty good. I'm pretty independent. I've been going to class everyday. I'm taking a load of schoolwork + work + internship and I am loving it. I feel very positive and good about myself. I feel like I am more responsible. Even though I lack friends, who cares! =) I don't need friends. Just kidding. Everyone needs friends! Even though of course, at times everyone has those moments where they feel super lonely, I think it's a good thing because you learn to put yourself as a number one priority. I feel as if you have to learn to love yourself before you can provide love for another person. At first, I've been pretty bummed out lately because of the amount of bad luck that I've been obtaining, but I think the grass is finally getting green with a little bit of flowers here and there. Self-reflection time really helps synchronize all your feelings into one melody.

I've been feeling quite different lately. I feel as if I don't want to be mean anymore, I don't want to be pessimistic, I don't want to hold grudges against anyone, I don't want to please anyone if they are mad at me for a stupid reason, I feel like I want to take things as they come. I know everyone isn't the perfect person, but they contribute a lot in your life. Even your enemies and your broken hearts. I feel like there is no need to bathe in the past, but to only learn from it. If somebody doesn't like me, I don't need to please them to make them like me. If somebody disappears in my life, I don't need to keep them because they probably have some type of misconception. If somebody says something bad about me, only I know the truth and that's all that matters. If somebody breaks my heart, I will forgive them and move on. I want to live life as if I am invincible. I want to get back up after every fall. People who know me often knows that I am a closed person that rarely talks about my feelings, and rarely opens up to anyone (because of past issues regarding friends). I rarely show sadness, but smile it off because I learned that if you immerse yourself in sadness, you will only become more sad. It's good to just be happy because being happy adds endurance to your life.

Even though at times I may not show how thankful I am to have certain people in my life, in the end, I am more thankful then ever.
Since certain person in my life are connected to me by a string of fate, don't you ever wonder why our encounters are just so inevitable?

<3 me.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


i guess i have to wait until i graduate for all of it to begin. =)
<3 sooo unrealistic.
im super envious.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


okay i lied about being gone for a bit. i can be gone and still write in my blog right? i've been watching some dramas and oh how it touches my heart<3

even though each drama is about love, they all seem to decipher the same meaning.

The first time you meet that person, it's an accident.
The second time you meet them, it's inevitable.
The third encounter, it's fate.

It's funny how these little sayings can really make you think about who you meet in your everyday life. This saying isn't just talking about anyone, it's obviously talking about your love life. Whoever you meet, just be aware, you could end up marrying them.

what a cute little saying, it leaves a tingle in my heart.
i love asian dramas, they make me sad.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

hi i am writing a blog pretty early, not because I woke up early, it's because I'm up late! And frankly, i don't have anything to blog about. i just have nothing to do. i will sleep soon though. let me think of a topic to write about. okay, i really can't think of what to write about. well, truffles is next to me sleeping and he's really cute. i also had sushi yesterday too. =)

oh and this winter seems to be colder to me. i don't remember feeling this cold. i feel like i can't stand it. san jose is pretty cold, but davis is even more cold! i can't stand it. today was so cold! i hate when its already cold and then in addition, the wind likes to come prancing around to make things worst. it blows at your face, making your hair fly everywhere. it feels like little tiny jabs of cuts slicing your face really fast. ah. can't stand it. i just feel like being at home, warm in my cozy bed. i don't want to go out because it's cold. i hate feeling like i'm going to freeze to death.

also, i don't feel like going out with anyone but myself. i think for now, i just want to be alone for a bit. it's time to have those one on one time with myself again. so if i reject going out with you, it's because i want self-reflection time. i'll come out of my cave when i want. i probably won't pick up phone calls either! maybe i'll respond to a text message.

so goodbye everyone. i'm going to disappear for a bit!
i'll come back soon.

<3 me.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Food Chemistry Lab

this is really cool. so last quarter, my food chemistry class, we had to wear goggles and lab coats. This time around is pretty funny, so the syllabus did not particularly mention what to bring to lab so all I brought were my goggles. Turns out, I don't need goggles OR a lab coat. Instead, we have to wear HAIR NETS and an APRON! ahahahahahaha. i swear im going to take a picture of myself before this quarter ends. It's pretty funny. I never had to wear that for lab. Pretty COOL don'tcha think? I think i look super ridiculous. And its cool because they provide us with hair nets and aprons everytime there's lab. cooool beans. also, i love how we get the new laboratory buildings thats located super far from the rest of the campus, but it's so worth it. everything is clean and beautiful. oh how i love food chemistry. hahahha

Monday, January 5, 2009


I feel full of energy or maybe just a bit more motivated for school then I was earlier today. Tomorrow I only have one class. Yay =) 8am-8:50am. How perfect. Then I have to run all my selling back books and buying books errands. Then I'm freeee, but I sadly have work at 12pm -3pm. That's okay, I like my schedule this quarter. It's better then last quarter. Hopefully this quarter I will gain motivation. I always say "next quarter" but it's never the next quarter. Maybe this quarter will finally be the quarter. haha. maybe.


So last night I slept at 11 which is pretty early to me. For some reason, I was having a hard time sleeping. I kept waking up every hour or two. I ended up waking up permanently at 4am. I couldn't even fall back asleep. I made an attempt to go back to sleep, but I ended up laying there until 6am. I decided to just get up at 6am to get ready for class. Now I am super ultra tired. hahaha. I'm at work and I just feel super sleepy and slow. I want to go home and be all warm and cozy in my bed. I have 2 more hours to go and then I get to go home, but then I have class again at 6pm. =(

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Break is Over

school is starting tomorrow. =(

This break flew by and I really don't even know what I did over the break. It was too fast to remember. Hopefully Winter Quarter will fly by just as fast as fall quarter. Anyhoos, see you laterssss