Saturday, June 7, 2008

Years to Come

I just woke up about 30 minutes ago. I wish I was a morning person. My habits of waking up is a lot better now then it was before. Before I use to wake up around 8pm, 6pm, 5pm, and so on. If I had plans with friends, I use to consider 3pm as early! But now my waking up habits are better. I guess, thanks to my roommate. She wakes up early all the time. In fact, she wakes up naturally. Instead of me, I have to force myself to wake up.

I remember when I was young, I use to think that going to high school was a big step. When I graduated Middle School I couldn't believe that I was going to "high school." When I got into high school, I thought I was getting old. The thought of graduating high school was my final step. I never thought that I'd go to college. Well I knew was going to college, but I did not have any plans for myself. I thought I was just going to just go to a community college. Now here I am, I would say, a Junior at a University now. (since I'm taking taking finals, I'm practically a Junior) And again, the sudden thought occurred to me, I'm getting old. This time, I really mean it. My first 2 years of college past right before my eyes. So that means, my next 2 years will pass before my eyes. I still can't believe I may be on the verge to graduate college. And, what do I plan to do after I graduate college? I have a plan that I PLAN to follow through.

I think being successful isn't making all the money in the world. I define success as doing what you love. Making a career out of your passion. And no, I'm not one of students like every other student who wants to be a "doctor." Do they really want to be a doctor? I doubt it. I sometimes think people choose certain majors to make themselves look smart. Call me blunt or whatever, I really don't think like 90% of the students are going to succeed at becoming a doctor. Yes, I know, I'm crushing some people's dreams but I think they should try finding something they enjoy to do and not let others (like parents) decide for them. And for those people who keep on switching majors, I just think they haven't found their passion yet. Some people are just born right off the slate knowing what they want to do. For me, I have no idea why I chose to be part of the biological science field. I remember applying for colleges my senior year of high school, I chose that major for all the colleges I applied for. I'm ridiculous. Thank goodness I switched out of that major into a major I am particularly interested in. One that chose for myself and not from "hearing" about it. I'm happy and plan to go as far as I can with it.

After I graduate college. Years after I graduate college, I could be writing my thesis. I could be writing a dissertation. I could just be working. I could be a bum. I could be dead. I could be whatever I want! As long as I'm happy. With a loving husband and family.

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