Sunday, June 8, 2008

I think I write in this blog too often. I write in here probably because its the only friend that's here for me whenever I want to project my thoughts, feelings, emotions, and what not. I think I hate a lot of things. Maybe I get annoyed really fast or something. I'm at stage in my life again where my emotions likes to fluctuate. I know, a week ago I was talking about how happy I was but suddenly my mood shift again. I'm a person where I don't like to publicize my problems and I don't like to talk to people about my problems. For the people who know me, have I ever actually talked about myself to you? I think not. I've never personally told them my inner feelings and emotions or just in general, my problems. It's always them ranting on about what goes on in their life and their problems and what not. To think of it, they probably don't even know me as well as I know them. I hate people who gossip to me about everyone and everything. I often wonder to myself, why do they know so much? I find it annoying because I don't care. I hate when I'm not in the mood to hear about problems, but they talk nonstop about it. After all, the world does not completely revolve around them, because I too, have problems too. But I will never have the heart to tell them that frankly, I really could care less about hearing it. In general, I really don't like talking to people who have a bunch of drama in their life. I know, I sound a tad bit mean, but I am pretty sure I'm not the only one who feels this way. I speak for others. I don't like being bombarded with people's issues. oh, this is off topic, but I hate when people ask so many rhetorical questions. I feel like they are doing it on purpose.

I hate caring for people who don't seem to care for me as much. I hate the word caring. I wish caring remained an option instead of being natural. Why can't I just not care. I hate how I'm the one who cares for those who don't care. I hate being let down and I hate be disappointed. I hate how everyone becomes someone I don't want them to be. That's why I absolutely hate caring.

Yes I know, I'm pretty abnormal.
but thats okay.
you don't have to read it.

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