Friday, April 4, 2008

The Same Day

This post is the same day but i just happen to write it pass 12am. I am also not feeling grumpy anymore. I feel normal. So today i woke up at 6:40am because i had a wonderful biology lab at 7:30am-10:20am. Lab was interesting. I like these labs a lot better then chemistry labs. Even though for biology, we do take up the whole 3 hours or so but its more interesting. This is the first week of school and we learned about biodiversity. It's funny in lab because there's only 9 students. Usually there's about 24-28 students, but sadly nobody wanted such an early lab time. I either had the choice of really early, or really late. I rather choose early because it's my only class on thursday. I can just go home and take a nap after im done with lab. For lab my group went to the Greenhouse to collect 8 samples of different parts of the environment. We had to find the number of species and stuff. The Greenhouse was so humid. I thought i was going to faint. Then after that we did all these calculations and drew an exponential graph. Lab wasn't too bad. My lab mates were interesting people. Well i was the only girl but that's okay. Not many girls in the morning or something. Our TA for lab was so nice. He bought us strawberries, coffee, and cookies. What kind of TA does that for their students? I'm glad i have him. I usually have fob TA's. I had fob ones for my chemistry labs, and my first bio discussion for the first series. (im on 2ndpart of the series now) I had a white TA for my chem2c lab, and now i have a white one for bis2b! White TA's are nice. The fob ones were nice too (because they couldn't speak english), except my bio one. He was so strict, and half the time, i didn't know what he was explaining. I think i really like my classes this quarter. The only class i don't like is my organic chemistry class. The Professor is really weird. He laughs and giggles to himself. When he talks, his words are all mushed up and overlapping each other so i don't understand him. My english teacher is really enthusiastic. I like her, i think she's cute. I have a feeling i will learn alot from her. My calculus professor is cute too. He's this little old man that looks like Santa Claus.

I've also been going to the ARC to work out with Tammy. I know, how surprising right? I'm actually working out. I just feel so out of shape and all jiggly. Hopefully i can keep up this good schedule. I actually feel better about myself now. I'm being more organize and learning to manage my time better. I wished i started off like this, but i sadly i started off in a pile of mess, but i guess mistakes are for the better sometimes. Learning from mistakes are, i guess you can say, the best way to learn? Gosh i have a retarded schedule tomorrow. I have this 5 hour gap. Oh well, hopefully i can utilize my time in between those hours. I usually sit around and do nothing. I feel much better about myself. Since I also put alot of thought into what I've been thinking about lately. I think I know who's who now. I don't think I will care much about what's not important to me, and who matters to me and who doesn't. I am my very own person. I belong to nobody but myself. I get to decide who to keep and who to let go. I feel so much better now. Maybe I sound crazy because earlier I was venting about annoying things, but that's okay because people have their bad days and their good days. Who doesn't vent about things that irritates them? I feel better now.

Tomorrow I am going home. YES! i am so happy. Ngoc is taking me back home. I was suppose to go to the Lambda party with Tammy and Ngoc but i decided i didn't want to because Tammy was going to sleep over Ngoc's house so nobody could take me back to my apartment. But in all good use of time, I did my english assignments, AND i finish my 2nd pre-lab for biology! Gosh im such a good student now =) Lab isn't until next thursday! But its pre-lab is due every Monday at 9am, but i finished it. I have more free time for the weekend. I'm so happy. okay that's all i have to say. Goodbye!

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