Thursday, April 3, 2008

Irritating Types of People

I get irritated when:

1. When someone is so shady. its soo annoying. Like honestly, i think it's so stupid if you charge people for stupid things and you guys are family. What family member charges prices for each other? i know im not like that. I don't charge for eggs or bread or whatever. That's stupid. If i bought it, then i bought it and they can have some. Its also stupid how if you're family, you can't even wait for one another to get out of class to go home. I know many people that would wait, but some people are just so damn selfish and they won't even wait for their own siblings. it's fucking stupid. Making other people like their boyfriend having to drive UP to davis, pick me up, then drive back. It's unecessary and a fucking waste of gas money. WHO FUCKING DOES THAT? if i had a little sister, i'd wait for her. If i buy food, i'd let them have some without charging money. Especially because this doesn't happen ONCE, it ALWAYS FUCKING HAPPEN. gosh that's shady. SHADY. i hate shadyass family members.

2. I hate people who don't know their priorities. I know everyone has their own individual priorities, but some people SERIOUSLY needs to know which ones will benefit them in the future, and which ones that won't. i mean its cool to have a good experience in college, but seriously, FOCUS on school and graduate. What's the point of going to college if you're just going to fuck up and put other things first. Things that take up your whole damn time. Sorry, but YOU AREN'T my priority and will never ever be. You are like this annoyingass boyfriend i have in davis that expects me to be there for everything. Get your shit straight you dumb fuck up.

3. People who talk to me ONLY when they have problems in their life. Don't talk to me if you're going to just ramble about yourself. it's stupid and it's not bonding time, and its NOT CATCHING UP EITHER. It's just talking about yourself. People who ramble on about their problems, and then when you say something about your problems, they would be like "lol" or they don't answer unless you ask them something about themselves. It's stupid how SO MANY people are like that. it's fucking annoying. It's always about "me me me me me" shut up. i don't even want to talk to them. So sorry if this relates to anyone that i talk to. I think it's just selfish of a person to do that because there's no point in being there for someone if they can't do the same to you. So please, don't talk to me until you're ready to be CONSIDERATE BACK.

4. People who ONLY think having fun involves drinking, clubbing, etc. There are other ways to have fun. If you have fun drinking, clubbing, drugs or whatever, then thats YOUR own personal enjoyment, for some others it might not be the same. People who think blah blah doesn't know how to have fun because they don't party or whatever the fuck doesn't mean they are boring. It's means they find OTHER ways to have fun. If the other person finds that stuff boring, then don't do it. Go party or whatever you need to TO have fun. the definition of fun isn't define as "drinking, clubbing, drugs, etc." FUN can be referred to as ANYTHING. SO SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU ANNOYINGASS FAG CLUB PROMOTERS. GO FIND A REAL JOB, instead of a job where you wear skankyass clothes that looks fucking ugly because some of you guys are fat. And seriously, you are NOT cool as you think you are. GROW THE FUCK UP.

Thats all. yeh im having a grumpy day but i don't care. Because those things are soo irritating. I know im NOT the only one that feels this way. And if this offends some of you guys, it must be perhaps that you find some guilt in what im saying because you could be in some part of this. maybe i am referring to a certain group of people are "person." or i could be generalizing it. It doesn't matter because i said what was annoying, and it's always been annoying to me.

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