Saturday, March 28, 2009

Today I woke up at 9am. I always do after a night of getting wasted. I had a lot of fun yesterday though. Mony's 21st was awesome! I saw all of my lovers! Everytime I'm around them, I get this happy warm feeling inside. It feels good. <3

Sad news, school starts Monday for me. Back to the horrors of being busy. oh well, I guess its okay! You know I use to be so eager to graduate college, but now I realized, college is probably the BEST experience that I will ever get in my life. After that, its all work and career! With a nice hubby and kids! I am thinking too ahead. haha. I'm just saying though, college is seriously what you make it.

The friends that you make in college are the friends that will be there at your wedding.
The person you meet in college will most likely be your soul mate. (sometimes that's not the case, but it's just a saying)


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