Saturday, March 28, 2009

Today I woke up at 9am. I always do after a night of getting wasted. I had a lot of fun yesterday though. Mony's 21st was awesome! I saw all of my lovers! Everytime I'm around them, I get this happy warm feeling inside. It feels good. <3

Sad news, school starts Monday for me. Back to the horrors of being busy. oh well, I guess its okay! You know I use to be so eager to graduate college, but now I realized, college is probably the BEST experience that I will ever get in my life. After that, its all work and career! With a nice hubby and kids! I am thinking too ahead. haha. I'm just saying though, college is seriously what you make it.

The friends that you make in college are the friends that will be there at your wedding.
The person you meet in college will most likely be your soul mate. (sometimes that's not the case, but it's just a saying)


Sunday, March 22, 2009

ok. you know what, i haven't even really been blogging about my life. all i talk about are my goals and plans and how i feel. i'm freaking retarded. that's okay. my life is hush hush and low-key to the max.

My Spring Break is finally here! I'm super happy! Even though I started spring break late because of my gay final on saturday, i am still very thankful to have one! My plans for break is to chillax and hang out with friends! Annie and Sally are going to come down from SF to eat with me. I'm super excited! I'm suppose to go SF to go eat with them sometime over break too. I can't wait! Yes I've been so M.I.A lately. Sorry friends! I've been disappearing these past few weeks. And I am sorry for Spring quarter, I can't stay on weekends anymore. I am interning on Sundays now. I will try my very best to still see you guys. I miss and love you all<3

Saturday, March 21, 2009


i've never been so fucking happy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thursday, March 19, 2009

My Time to Shine

Spring Quarter Goals:

1. No AIM (only when im @ work i can)
2. No flirting with people
3. No eating late night snacks
4. Gym 3-4 times a week
5. No sleeping late
6. Take Truffles for daily walks / dog park
7. No going home every weekend
8. learn how to cook
9. save the drama for your momma!
10. BE HAPPY and take my time in everything.

Spring quarter will be the best. Since winter quarter was already magnificent, I can keep up the good work and excel further. I feel super better this quarter then I ever did!

Also, Spring Quarter, I FINALLY have NO MORE 8am classes Monday-Friday. I've been having that for 2 quarters and FINALLY I don't have it anymore! I am extremely happy. Also, I am not working as much, but my hours for my internship increased, but that's okay!

I'm excited
i love all of the great relationships that i've built over winter quarter. (this school year in general)
i finally settled on the right college friends. <33333

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Junior Year in College is my BEST school year.

i love my housemate sally<3
i love my future roomate annie li <3
i love my lifetime lab partner natalie<3
i love my cute lil sis & my hot big sis<3

nothing better then laughters & updates on each others lives.


Sunday, March 8, 2009

so...for some reason, i've been this horrible alcoholic. ahahahahahahahaahaahhahahaha. i just feel like get wasted to the max everyday. hhahahahahahaa.

but, since finals are coming up, i have to be normal and not feel like getting wasted. Although, I DO end finals very late, on the very last day of finals too. I'll make sure I get wasted. With my lil sis! yay<3

Thursday, March 5, 2009

I have no more microbiology labs and no more food chemistry labs. I'm terribly sad. Just kidding! It feels goood yesterday and today was the last day of lab for me. It's okay though, I have lab next quarter. I think I have lab every quarter. Lab for the rest of my school quarters. Funnnnnn.

I totally forgot what I was going to say in my blog.
okayy bye bye!

Monday, March 2, 2009

i feel super happy ^_^