Wednesday, December 10, 2008



i think im weird. sometimes i feel really angry and then sometimes i feel really happy. I have one more final at 6pm. Even though finals week is hectic, i really enjoy it. I like how I don't have class, I just have finals. Then after finals, I like how I know I have a break and that the quarter is finally over. Yay after today I'm free, I'm going to celebrate finishing finals with a great amount of sleep. haha. Yesterday I wanted to stay up really late for my ochem final since it was at 8am, but sadly, I couldn't function at 1:30am. I was sad. I ended up falling asleep at 2:30am. Within that hour interval, I "attempt" to study, but I don't think it worked out? So I went to my final unprepared x)
I wish I studied earlier, hehe, i say that to all of my finals and all of my midterms. I am just the biggest slacker ever.

I'm sitting here eating, and I really want to nap, but I am so unprepared for my final at 6pm. I feel sorry for Truffles, lately he's been alone in the room due to the lack of being at home. I seem to only be home to sleep. Poor little fella. It's okay, he'll be spoiled with love over the winter break.

oh i can't wait till finals are overrr =)

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