Friday, December 19, 2008

My Stupid Dad

Hi, this is going to be a long blog about my dad's stupid views. Bare with me if you want to read, if you don't, then I dont care!

My dad is the stupidest dad in the whole entire universe. I know, what a harsh thing to say, but I must say, I really don't know if anyone else has a stupid dad as dumb as mine. He's not "literally" stupid, he just has the stupidest views on things.

So about 2-3 weeks ago, I went to the dentist for a "Cleaning." The dentist did some xrays and said that my wisdom teeth are growing. As lucky as I am, I only have 2 wisdom teeth, comparing the normal average person who has 4. He said that I needed to take them out because since I am young, my gums are soft and they can heal easily. If I'm older, my gums will be hard and it will take longer to heal (hurts more too) and also, my insurance is expiring so I should do it by the end of this year. (also they are pushing my teeth & it will make my teeth crooked) He referred to another dentist to do my wisdom teeth extraction. My dad found out that I had to get them pulled out, and he got extremely super butt hurt. He's mad that I have to pull them out. He told me to call to make an appointment. I made an appointment for this Friday (today) morning, he got mad because I didnt take to a "vietnamese" lady, it was an american lady. He said, "americans don't know anything." Then right after I called to make my appointment, he calls them too and ask to speak to a vietnamese lady to ask all the questions that I ask the american lady. He thinks I'm stupid and I didnt ask about the price and the xrays. Then he started saying shit to my mommy about me not knowing anything and that the american lady doesnt know anything. I'm like uh...I CALLED AND ASK THE SAME FUCKING QUESTIONS YOU DID. He ignores me, talks shit to my mommy again, then I opened my bedroom door and said, I ALREADY KNOW EVERYTHING THAT YOU'RE TELLING MOM I ASK THE LADY TOO. He gets mad and looks at me, & says "I'm talking to YOUR mom." Then I was like, whatever, slammed my bedroom door. I hate when he treats me like I'm stupid. Why would he ask me to make an appointment, then get at mad for making an appointment?

So today, I went to the dentist to get my wisdom teeth pullen out. So apparently, my insurance can't cover it all because I used about 300 something on the first appointment for cleaning teeth an xrays. And so, I had to get a really expensive extraction because my wisdom teeth hasn't grown out, it's still inside my gum so it cost about 750 for 1 teeth. I only got one pullen out, so I have to wait for next time. So my dad had to pay a balance of $145. It's really not my fault that my wisdom teeth hasn't "Grown" out or the type of "Extraction" that I needed was expensive, but he blamed it all on me. Made it extremely more complicated then it really is. So after I got my ONE wisdom teeth pullen out. I went home and all I hear is bitching. Bitching about my teeth. uh..sorry? He said, I should have pulled them out sooner, because I had more money in my insurance last year. He said it was my fault, and I don't know anything. I couldn't argue, because I can't talk, I feel like my mouth is full of saliva and blood. hahah. So I was sooooo angry but I couldn't talk! I just made a mad face and rolled my eyes. He said, "in vietnam we didnt need to pull it out, America always makes us do uneccesary things." And saying that, when you're older, your wisdom teeth falls out. Uh.....when I heard that, i was so mad, because i couldnt talk! WISDOM TEETH FALLING OUT? haha, nice one, thats the best one i've heard. He's so dumb. Then he kept comparing it to Vietnam, this is FUCKING AMERICA. He kept going on and on nonstop about blah blah, talking about our dentist just wants our money and blah blah. I was in my room, listening to it all, getting so annoyed and upset because I couldn't argue back. I could just write it down. He kept saying the same thing over, I really don't know what his problem is. I don't know why he's blaming me for something natural. He blamed me for my appendicitus back in Senior year in high school. I'm sorry my surgery cost $30,000. But whats the big deal, we had insurance that covered it. It was ridiculous. He blames me for things that shouldn't be blamed for. Well if I had died from appendicitis, a funeral is cheaper if thats what he wanted. Yes, sorry dad that go to college and its expensive, but he doesn't help me anyways! I am on my OWN. Damn! I get so mad thinking about him.

anyways, my numbness is wearing out. so it's starting to hurt. =(

Also, funny thing happened, at first I thought it was a coincidence that me and danny were going to get our wisdom teeth out this friday, but what turned out even COOLER was that, while I was at the receptionist desk, Danny walks in! ahahaha. Same place, same time. Isn't that amazing? ahahahaha. He got all 4 taken out though. hehehe.

So during the procedure, it didn't hurt. I just felt a lot of pressure but thats it. Now its starting to hurt. My mouth feels gross. Also, so the room had this scent, at first I thought it smelled good, then it got too strong. I felt so sick. Extremely sick, and nauseous. I wanted to barf. After my they took out one of my wisdom teeth, the doctor was explaining to me what to do post-wisdom teeth extraction, I was standing there, sick to my stomach. I told my mommy to drive. While I was walking out, I was so sick, I was going to barf. Really bad. ahahaha. I started wobbling, then I felt the knott in my tummy, and I ran to the trees, but nothing came out. Just lots of saliva. ahahahaha. It was either, I was scared shitless of getting my teeth pullen out, or it was the fume, or both. I dont know, but I felt super sick. I feel better now.

and my whole right side of my mouth, is in pain. =(

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