Sunday, March 30, 2008

Spring Break is over

Ugh, i have to go back to davis now. i dread going back. not so much because of class, its because...hehehe. Yeh. my life in davis is different then my life back home. i love my life back home alot better. I wish i can start my college all over again. I think i'd be smarter about things. sigh. I left my apple turnovers in davis =( AND my bread. damn. now its probably all expired and grosss. Apple turnovers are soo good. Well Spring quarter is starting and it will probably fly by like every other quarter. it felt like i just started my second year in college but it's almost over. isn't that something? hehehee.

Today i went to vallyfair. i didn't buy anything. Well i bought some crocs for my mommy. lol. she wanted them because she takes walks. shes too cute. Then i went to the gaymall (gmall) for this and that and blah blahhh. Anyways, yesterday i went to the movies and watched 21. It was a good movie. I also went to petsmart today. I bought truffles a bunch of things. he's a spoiled little hoe. hungry right now, but its 4:24am right now. i really want to eat but its way too late. i hate getting the late night munchies. well that's all i can think of writing. hahaha. latersss

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Danny had an open house so we decided to have a fun get together. We played kings cup. It was funny because Phuc kept messing up and he ended up with the kings cup in the end. i couldn't even tell if he was drunk or not, he was silent. i wish we played two rounds. Kings cup is my FAVORITE drinking game. i always laugh at that game. everyone gets all rowdy. ahahaha. then we played some poker and chit chat and i got to know some people better. haha. and for the first time it wasn't such a cock fest. I sobered up really fast, even though i wish i didn't. Oh wells.

We went to Michael's house because his family had a little bbq. lol his little is so good at rock band. When Vu was playing the drums, he didn't want to play anymore, Michael's little brother ran so fast to the drums and picked it up right away. hahaha. he didn't want to admit that he played rockband alot. After that, me and vu went over to danny's to help him clean up from saturday. Then we went to Vu's house and the rest of the people came over. I don't remember what we did. i remember i was playing with some scratchers? but thats it, i forgot everything else i did. haha

Today: or Monday?
So i woke up in the morning and me and steven went to go eat TK noodles! Then after that we went to urban outfitters, mai do, h&m, nordstrom, anderson bakery, metro park, sports authority, and then milpitas high. What a trip? haha. it was cool chit chatting with mr. steven because he goes to a faraway college! Then we went to milpitas high. I went to the tennis courts and steven went to the tracks.

I went to Milpitas High school because there was this tennis alumni vs. the current varsity tennis team. Shaun and Vu was playing. haha. i didn't pay attention much because radiant made me play with these scratchers. gambling addicts i swear. lol. we kept going back and forth to 711. i only won $5 from my scratcher. it's all radiants fault, he influences me to buy scratchers. After that, we all went back to vu's house and decided to eat at cluck u's or whatever its called. it was so crowded inside! everyone's on spring break.

After cluck u's, we went back to vu's house. Vu and Joe went to go study while it was just Me, Radiant, Shaun, Hung, and Sylvia. We weren't allowed to play poker so Shaun decided to just play bullshit. and it was SO FUNNY. i don't know why, but i laughed so hard. hahahaha. all of us were laughing so much. sooo funny. then we decided to go home around 12am since nothing was going down. On the way out, me and shaun were hiding behind the van and sylvia walked by and shaun scared her. it was sooo funny to me again. i don't know, maybe i was in a laughing mood today or something. i couldn't stop laughing at stupid things. im dumb. i think its because shaun was making this weird laughing noise. funnny! i like laughing. When i laugh alot, i have such a good time. Well that was my interesting day.

later kidsss!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Nothing To Do

i am sooo happy that i am done with finals!!

Now i have spring break, a goood break from school. i have nothing to do right now, i don't get to go back home until tomorrow (saturday) because my sister has a final tomorrow. =( I cant think of anything to write, even though i want to write. I'm going to try to think of something funny that i want to remember. lol i can't think of anything to write. i think im just going to paint my nails. i'll write something back later. laterss

UPDATE: 6:05pm
i took truffles a bath and now he's all clean. He doesn't cry anymore like he use to when i took him a shower. Although, he tries to run out the bathe tub, but its too tall for him to run out. haha. He's soooo cute. i really have nothing to do. it feels odd that i don't have anything to study for and stuff. i was suppose to go to Swirls with Tammy but i don't feel like eating Swirls. Everyone is so in love with it. Swirls is okay, im not really a fan of frozen yogurt. i only like the mochi balls.

Lately i've just been thinking about life and what it offers. I think about the future and who will matter to me who won't. I don't know, i have all these second thoughts about people in my life. I think I get really bothered whenever someone comes back into my life when they left it for periods amount of time. I think it's cool whenever I talk to someone again and we left off where we started, but people where i find awkward situations with, i wonder why they come back into my life. I think im willing to be normal, but i think they are being awkward. I have all these thoughts in my head, i don't know what phase im going through but lately i've been thinking way too much. I just get really worried about what the future holds. I wonder what im going to do with my life and who will be beside me. I get upset whenever i think about the ones who matter to me but they aren't willing to do as much as i am willing to do for them. It bothers me alot, but it's okay. All this stuff is familiar to me. These issues always come up and go. I want to meet someone that will always meet me half way, instead of me walking the whole way. Good friends are just so hard to find sometimes. Good friends are always the ones that are willing to work things out of course. It's just so awkward when there's a big misunderstanding. Oh well, that's life. Things come and go, and life opens new chapters of your book all the time. I'm still young, although i feel so old and tired for some reason. haha. Maybe tired of what life's been offering me, but it wouldn't be life if there was nothing to be offered. I don't even make sense.

I don't really care if any reads my post are not. These blogs are my feelings and my thoughts that i like to scrabble down. It's alot faster then writing on a piece of paper. I often like to think about the future because the future is such an interesting subject. When i think about the future, i like to think of what will happen to me, people, and the world.

For me, i wonder if my college education will actually pay off? Sometimes i want to quit school and just get a job, but i know i shouldn't. I know i didn't take thousand dollars of loans for nothing. So school has to somewhat pay off right? I hope so. Oh well, it's only a matter time until i graduate, haha if i ever graduate. It feels like never.

With people, i always wonder how their life in the future will be and who i will still remain in touch with. It's strange, sometimes i talk to people way more then i expected to. Sometimes they are still in my life, when they first started off as an aquaintance or just a person in one of your high school classes. OR maybe a person who was never in your class but you meet somehow. It's just strange what combinations life put you up against. I still talk to some people like that. People who i never thought i'd still keep in touch with, but strangely, i do still keep in touch with them on a regular base. Even if they go to faraway college.

And last but not least, i wonder about the world. I wonder how long this earth can hang ya know? Well i learned in my bio class that, this earth is suppose to undergo another ice age. So maybe death will reside in freezing everyone. Everyone will just freeze to death and maybe possibly unfreeze into the future of nothingness. Oh but the news, it said that they were trying colonize Mars i think, or was the moon? One of those. That's crazy, can you imagine? Living on the Moon or Mars, i wonder how that would work out.

Oh well, whatever, that's all i have to say. Maybe i'll be bored again and update this blog thing later and ramble on some more nonsense! =)

Monday, March 17, 2008

Starting Again

I've decided to start writing down my life again. As of right now, my finals for school is coming up. I can't wait until this quarter is over and then I get to have spring break! School makes me tired. I can't wait till the day i graduate. Which won't be until another two years, but I might extend further in school to get a better degree.

I wonder sometimes how everyone is doing. I know many people don't think about this much but i think about it. I never notice how much older everyone is getting. When i think about it, it's almost been 2 years since I've graduated high school, and all the younger people that i know are now going to college. Time doesn't slow down for anyone. I'm not updated with much that goes on back home. All i really know now is what goes on in college. I like college, even though I often think about home and it makes me sad that I'm missing out on all of the things that goes on. I don't even live that far away from home but I guess a 1 hour and 30 minute drive makes a big difference. hahaha.

Besides all of that, I love my doggie Truffles<3
He is the best dog in the whole wide world =)