Thursday, August 14, 2008


So I'm at work right now. I'm always sitting at the computer with nothing to do. Although I do something, I'm just such a fast worker that I finish everything so damn fast. :P

I hate the middle of the month. It's when all of my bills comes to me at once. So sads.
Now my paychecks will be spent on rent and bills and what not!
its okay, I'm a grown woman now, I have gay responsibilities ever since I came to college.
I wish I was a spoiled brat, but sadly I'm not.

I thought this year for once I wasn't going to move. I hate moving because I probably have arthuritis or in the future I will have it. hahahaha. Well I don't know, my hands just aches really bad when I move things. Then I feel like they are so fragile and broken. hahahaha. or maybe I'm just weak. hahahaha

Yes! Can't wait to go home today. Just 1 more hour of work to kill and then I'm free. =)

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