Sunday, August 3, 2008

Live High

I realized that I've been friends with some people for quite awhile, but sometimes it doesn't matter about the how "long" you've been friends with someone. It matters a lot on the time you spent together, the memorable moments, the ups and down. Sometimes friendships reminds me of a being in a relationship. A different type of "love." Friendship is kind of like a second relationship.

I've had many friendships in my life. I had those friendships where I thought it'd be friends forever. Broken friendships that didn't work out. But it the end, I remain friends with the ones from the beginning and the ones that worked things out with me through the bad times. I really did for sure keep the ones I needed. Sometimes when I look back at the friendships I had in high school, I had really memorable memories. I had fun with the friendships that are now broken, but its okay, I guess it's a learning experience and we grow from it.

I love my girlfriends back home. Everytime we hang out again, they update me with the silliest stories. friends forever for sure. A friendship over 10 years. THATS LOVE <3

The other night when we went to Micah's house I ask Vilinh to come, and I'm glad Vilinh came. We sat in the backyard and catched up on "life." I was suddenly overwhelmed with an emotional feeling. You know that feeling when, you just suddenly want to tell someone how great of friend they've been? And you just feel like embracing them so hard. (maybe it was the alcohol who knows) It was just that moment for me. Even though we had our ups and down and we drifted apart, she still remained my friend! I love her alot. She's there for me as much as I am there for her. Couldn't have ask for anything more. She's so spontaneous. She's the master of drinking. The highest tolerance for a girl. I like when she laughs because her eyes look like crescent moons. (anime character) love her<3

Also this summer, I've met a couple of new people, but the funny thing is like, I'm surprise that within two weeks, we were getting drunk every weekend and hanging out just like Truc's blog "like there was no tomorrow." We're living the life every weekend. Having the fucking best time in the world! Now it feels like they've been my friend for really long. I've also gotten to know people a lot more and I would have never thought I'd laugh so hard every weekend. We'd do the most random things. Wanting to play hide and seek, sardiens, riddles, gunbound, ventrillo chat battle, beer bong, beer pong, dancing like superstars, etc etc. Gosh, this summer has been the icing on the cake. It really brought my emotions to the TOP. I never had so much fun and i like to think to myself, there's nobody in the world that I'd rather be with then the people that I've been living these wild nights with. It makes me sad that starting fall quarter everyone is going back to school. UC San Diego, so far. I have to go to back to Davis and the rest go to DeAnza or San Jose State, back to the busy schedule and no more living the life. It's okay, we still got the breaks!

I've spent this summer with the ones I ever LOVE so dearly. <3

1 comment:

chuckolatee said...

<333333333333333333333333 4 life