Wednesday, April 9, 2008

A Letter To My Sister

I deleted my other post about my sister because i decided, i wanted to write her a letter instead. Even if she never reads it, i don't care.

Dear Sister My-Phuong,

Hello. I just wanted to tell you that i don't like you. In fact, i really despise you in many ways. I don't think you treat me like a sister. I am at the utmost excited for you to graduate so you can get the fuck out of this apartment. I am also at the utmost excited for you to study abroad in Japan so you can also get the fuck out of this country. I think having you in my life causes me unecessary drama and a high blood pressure to my health. I notice, you are always the one that gets on my last nerves. I really can't stand being around you. It's only a few moments that you're nice. When you're nice, i think that you're changing into a new person, but i guess not. You end up being the same grumpy bitch like you always are. You are meaner to me then you are nice. I also think you're a very shady person. I can make a list of the time it started since we decided to go to college.
First of all, you blame me for you having to go to UC Davis. I didn't make you go to Davis. I could have been far happier if you went to UC San Diego. Even if mom & dad wanted you to go to Davis for me, it wasn't my fault. Trust me, my life probably would have been way better if you didn't go to Davis. Also, you said kdphi ruined your college, when u think about it, who was the one who picked up the kdphi flyer? Who went to rush all by herself? Who got mad at me for not wanting to go to rush with you? If I'm not wrong, I am pretty sure it was you who did all of that. Yes, i was the one who decided to accept the bid, but i also was the one who never thought of joining any type of sorority too. It was all you. I only came out for you. You have no one to blame but yourself.
Also, last year when we lived at Suntree. It was really shady of you for charging me rent even though i lived in the living room. I only lived in the living room because you got mad at me for talking on the phone at night but then like always, its always okay for you to do things but not others. It was okay for you to talk on the phone at night right? I had to pay the full rent when i should have been paying less. You had your nice little cozy room all to yourself. Whenever Vu came up to visit me, when me & him went to go eat somewhere, we would ask if you wanted anything without CHARGING you. Of course you'd take advantage of that opportunity, you would take anything that's free to you. Yes, we got into many fights last year, and you thought i was disrespecting you, when all i really was doing was defending myself. All you do is boss people around and you're grumpy for no reason. You like to take out your mood on everyone so they can be like you.
Also, remember all the times when i have to find my own ride home to Davis? Because you're too shady to wait. I don't know why you're in a hurry, but im you're sister, you're suppose to wait for me, but you're so selfish. You just care about yourself and you being at home. So what if i go to vu's house instead of my real house, if it was the other way around, you know i'd wait for you. You left me many times in davis so your selfish-ass can go home. You probably don't know this but sometimes mom & dad had to call me and OFFER to drive me home because you're shadyass can't wait. Don't you think thats kind of fuck up that mom & dad have to offer me a ride because you are so selfish that you can't wait? And you still haven't learn, you still can't wait. Vu wasted his gas so many times driving up here to pick me up. You're so inconsiderate, all you think about is yourself.
You are also shady because whenever i buy eggs, bread, ham, drinks, i let you have some, FOR FREE. Whenever you buy something, you always have to throw in some money offer like it's a good deal. That's seriously, really fucking shady. We're sisters, why charge? But to you, you're just shady. Charge for everything. Charge for some "chicken, bread, eggs, etc..." It's so annoying. When i went to eat sushi with Tammy, i got the spider roll for you and didn't even charge you. I know if it was you, you'd probably charge me twice the money. I should have charge you, because you charge me for everything.
I also think you're really rude. You're rude to truffles and he doesn't do anything to you. You treat him so bad when he's just a dog. So tell me, who the one who fucking decided to keep truffles right when he was born? It was YOU and there you go again, pulling off some shady shit and returning him. You did that to moomoo, and everyone knew you were going to do that truffles. That's why, he wasn't yours to begin with. All you do is call truffles rude names and treat him like shit. You're really fucking ridiculous and need to quit treating things like you're so much higher then them.
To conclude, i think you're really fucked up. All you do is make side comments, say rude things, and think you're always right. You govern this apartment like a totalitarism. You are just like dad. You put up signs everywhere, and bitch about you having to clean when YOU voluntarily do it yourself. You don't hear me bitching, i clean the toilet, i ALWAYS dump out the trash. All you do is complain about your life and how there's nothing to live for. If you really think that, then why don't you just fucking end your life? WHY DON'T YOU JUST KILL YOURSELF? I really don't see why your life is bad. You have a loving boyfriend that you REALLY don't deserve. I don't understand why you're so ungrateful for the things you have and why you're always grumpy. You have no reason to be. Why don't you just fucking stop taking things up the ass and suck it up. You're really fucking ridiculous.

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