Tuesday, April 21, 2009


okay. you know what!
i give up. if i can't beat them, join them right?


stupid tumblr and their cute designs.

well, i guess i'm moving blogs. bye bye blogspot, i dearly loved you so much<3

Monday, April 20, 2009

Love is patient and kind; it is never jealous; love is never boastful or conceited; it is never rude or selfish; it does not take offence, nor is it resentful. Love takes no pleasure in others sin but delights in the truth, it is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope and to endure whatever comes. Love does not come to an end. There are three things that last, faith, hope, and love the greatest of these is love.

I've grown up.
I've let you go.
I've learned.

Hate me because I don't hate you.
I think you're rather unfair.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


im a bit sad that college is ending for me next year.

I never thought that I'd say I'll miss it. Being an undegraduate is the best 4 years of my life. Even though I haven't experienced my last year of college yet, I know it's going to be great. Throughout my college life I've learned so much. I've built friendships and made new friendships. Had the best ideal break up with my first love that anyone can ever ask for. Everything just seems to be new all the time. Lately all of my fortune cookies been giving me very similar advice. Yes I know, why believe in fortune cookies? I feel like those fortune cookies know where I'm coming from.

I never even think back on high school and wish I could go back because I would never go back to high school. It's not because I had a bad experience in high school, I actually had a very good one. High school is something I never look back on and wish I did this or that. High school was my character development stage. I fell in love, kept in touch with my best friends, made new close friends (and still hanging on to them!), good grades, experienced drinking for the first time, laughed a lot, many pictures, drivers license, and of course the broken hearts, broken friendships, the friendships that slipped away, and the drama?

Needless to say, I am very happy and have absolutely no regrets of choosing Davis to be my college life of experience. I don't even know where to start with my college life experience. Freshmen year, sophomore year, junior year. summer abroad, summer session 2. then my senior year. oh how it saddens me. =(

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

boys before flowers<3

It seems like everyone moved over to tumblr, i would like to also, but i'm freaking lazy. i think it's a same thing because, we're still blogging? i know tumblr looks a lot better and cleaner, the pictures can be bigger, but damn, all i'm doing is blogging! no need for changes.

i've been a tad bit busy lately, but I like to devote my 1 hour of free time in Boys Before Flowers. I am totally in lust with those boys. okay not all of them, just the two sexiest of them all. why can't boys really be that sexy in real life? haha. ok my life has been all about dramas. i'm a retard. i think i watch too many dramas that i keep thinking of everything as a drama. i even download all the songs and put them into my ipod just remind myself of how i feel when i watch the drama. makes me feel more like my life is a drama nahhh saying girl? =) anyways, little do you guys know, MY LIFE IS AN ASIAN DRAMA! hehhehehe. ok. not really, but i like to say it is.

i forgot to mention, i am studying abroad this summer. i'm going to Florence, Italy. i am going to come back burnt. that's okay, as long as i have some sexy tan legs yes? At first I was super excited, but for reason reason, I feel more scared? It's because I'm alone, and everyone in the program happens to be a white girl? oh well, it's a good experience, it will be my very first time traveling. Also, since Annie is going to Rome, Italy, I will meet up with her on weekends and explore around. yippeee ^_^

kim sang bum is the cutest motherfucker. the end.

Saturday, April 4, 2009


Everyone just suddenly looks cuter now since it's spring. Nobody is wearing bum sweaters and sweat pants, everyone just looks colorful and happy! Well at least in Davis it's like that, since our fall and winter quarter was a mixture of wind, rain, gloomy cold air, and etc etc.

So far, spring quarter is GREAT.
I feel so happy. Everything seems to be going good. too good i might say.
