Monday, September 29, 2008

Long Day

What a long day today.

This quarter I have classes everyday Monday-Friday at 8am. Yes I know, so sadsssss. I also have 2 labs this quarter. Busy quarter for me. I get to wear a lab coat for my Food Science lab. YAY. Goggles + White Lab coat = sexayyyy. I never got to wear a lab coat, not in any of chemistry or biology labs, but food science? YAY! lol Anyways, last night I stayed up till like 2am playing gb with the Victor, Vilinh, and Phil. Then I woke up at 6:50am. Took the school Unitran to school. I had class till 1:00pm. Then I had work at 1:30-4:30. It was a busy day at work, but its okay, I'm fast and the best ever. hehehe. I wanted to go home so bad so I can see Truffles. But guess what! The Unitran was suppose to come at 4:55 but then it didn't come at all. So then it finally came at 5:10. I was happy, and I went on the Unitran and it just drove for a couple of seconds and it broke down! lol. I was like omg. We had to wait for the next one to come. It was a hot day too. Oh well, at least im home. I'm probably going to take truffles for a walk soon, since he's been inside the whole day while I was out schooling and working.

I haven't blogged for awhile.

Update: My sister just had a baby! Her baby is tall & healthy. YAY. I'm an auntie, isn't that wonderful? I also don't live in Milpitas anymore, I live in San Jose.
Vu, Joe, & Victor goes to UCSD now. Yeh I'm sad because I love them ever so dearly<3 and I miss them too.

AND I can't wait till my birthday! I'm going to have the best birthday ever. Hope everyone can make it =)


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I love Vilinh alot. I like to talk to her when I'm upset because she doesn't pity me, but instead tells me blunty how she truly feels. I like how she doesn't side with me but instead tells me what she think is right. She's a great person. <3

Anyways, so lately, I've been on this sushi craze and I can't seem to get enough of it. I feel like an addict. The only thing I ever crave is sushi. It's ridiculous and I can't control myself. In fact, I want to eat it right now! I've been eating it every other day lately. hehehe.

sigh. oh how i love sushi so much.